Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas fellow Riverview residents, 'It's Most Wonderful time of the Year' continues.

Our contest for the best and merriest Christmas decorated house in Riverview is now over and we have a winner, with a number of honourable mentions.


Congratulations to the Aqualinas' at 78 Riverview Drive with their extraordinarily decorated winning house.  They received a $50 gift certificate for the Lucky Penny and a 2021 RCA membership.

 Honourable mentions go out to:

-  37 Riverview Court

-  98 Riverview Circle

-  3 Riverside Place

-  309 Riverview Green 

Our thanks to everyone that cast their votes.  We had received 58 votes which is remarkable given the short time we had to set this up.  We've had a lot of positive responses so you can expect  to see this contest again next year so begin planning for your 2021 displays now.

The RCA Board wishes everyone a peaceful Christmas and an improved New Year in 2021. We'll see you all next year.