Wednesday, August 4, 2021

 Happy Summer Riverview Residents


Well, it's now August and a good time for some house / garage cleaning.  Time for all those  items that you have been hanging onto to find a new home.

To help you with finding new homes for those items, the Riverview Community Association has organized a 

Community Garage Sale 

 Saturday August 21, between 10:00 - 4:00


All you need to do is set up your items for sale on your driveway, tag each item with a price (be reasonable) and wait for the crowd.  You may find that garage sales are as much a social event as they are a sales event so be prepared for visiting with neighbours.



 Let the house / garage cleaning begin! 

Friday, July 2, 2021


Welcome to Summer (again) Riverview

Our RCA's 2nd Annual Canada Day Mini-Golf Tournament was a GREAT success.  


Our mini-golf tournament had wonderful weather (in fact so wonderful that we rescheduled the tournament to 10:00 so we could play during the cooler morning).  We had 18 teams entered, many of which were families with younger children which made for some interesting interpretations of the rules.  For most of the younger participants use of putters was optional, carrying the ball to the cup was acceptable (and much faster).

It takes a number of talented people to successfully organize a tournament.   Many thanks to:

Sherry Hufnagel for her overall organization of the tournament and coordination with the Cochrane Golf club.

Jennifer Foy for helping out Sherry and tying up loose ends.

Brad Walz, the club pro at the Cochrane Golf Club who worked closely with Sherry.

Tim Hall at Lucky Penny who provided our post game hot dogs.

Everyone had a wonderful time, and we have the photos to show it. Expect to see another mini-golf tournament in 2022.





Sunday, June 13, 2021


Welcome to Summer Riverview

as you all know with summer comes golf

  and with golf comes the




Last year’s mini-golf tournament was so well received, we decided to have another.  The tournament will be on July 1st, Canada Day! ........... and don’t forget to wear red and white or sport a maple leaf if you have one (leaf jerseys are acceptable).

TIME:         1:00 p.m.

PLACE:     Cochrane Golf Club

PRICE:      $7.50 per person playing (cash, cheque or e-transfer)


Prizes will be awarded for team low score / team high score / hole in one and there will be refreshments!

Teams must pre-register.  Please include names of participants, ages of children playing and your team’s name!

To register contact Sherry Hufnagel at:


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Welcome to spring fellow Riverview residents. 

As most of you have heard, the redevelopment of the golf course is back on the table. The golf course owner is applying to the courts to have the Restrictive Covenant removed. The Restrictive Covenant is the document that restricts any development of the golf course to golf course related activities. Removing that Covenant could allow the golf course to be open for non-golf course related development.

The RCA had distributed a newsletter related to this matter on March 28, 2021 via e-mails (to those residents who we have that contact information), flyers and our community notice signboards. To enable this message to be distributed to as many Riverview residents as possible, we provide that newsletter below. 

We encourage you to become involved in this matter.  Removing the Restrictive Covenant could have significant implications to the future of our community. 

As always, if you have any questions, you can contact us at: 


 Action Required: Cochrane Golf Club Originating Application
Hello Riverview residents,
The RCA Board understands that the Cochrane Golf Club Ltd. has sent a copy of its filed Originating Application, and presumably the accompanying Affidavits in support, to homeowners through out the community.  The purpose of the Originating Application is to have a court declare a restrictive covenant void and unenforceable so that it can pursue commercial activities on the property where the golf course is located.  The restrictive covenant in question was agreed to and formalized between the Cochrane Golf Club with the Town of Cochrane and multiple homeowners in 2007.
As many of you will know, the Board has been aware of the Cochrane Golf Club’s desire to invalidate the restrictive covenant for some period of time and in the process, it has retained Peter Major, Q.C from McLennan Ross LLP, in Calgary as legal council.  The Board has also consulted with Mr. Major since learning about the filing of the Originating Application and there are a number of issues that exist and impact the rights of individual homeowners.
Following this consultation, the RCA would like to clarify some important information for individual homeowners and to encourage individual homeowners to become informed and take action to defend your legal interests.
1.   The RCA operates as an organization for its members but does not own real property. Without owning real property, it is not, and cannot, be a party to the lawsuit.
2.   The Board does not have a mandate or legal authority on behalf of the RCA to represent property owners’ interests in court. The Board also cannot provide legal advice.  The Board can, however, assist by gathering relevant and helpful information, and advising/assisting our residents in other ways.
3.   In our last newsletter, the Board advised members of our community that we had approached the Town of Cochrane, requesting confirmation of their previous position that they would oppose efforts by the Cochrane Golf Club to remove or invalidate the restricted covenant. Since that time, we have received a response from the Town of Cochrane’s, Chief Operating Officer, stating that
“the Town’s position has not changed in any material way following Mr. Hyndman’s letter of last summer. We remain watchful of this file and are active in advocating for appropriate adherence to the existing instruments. We will be certain to connect with your group as needed as this process continues to unfold and I thank you for your willingness to assist.”
4.   We believe this position is encouraging for those who are aware of and oppose the Cochrane Golf Club’s plans, but also wish to caution that the Town’s interest in this matter may not be entirely aligned with all of the different interests of individual homeowners and other legal rights should be considered.
5.   As presently drafted and filed, we understand that there are issues that adversely negate individual homeowners’ rights granted in the restrictive covenant and ability to have those rights communicated to the Court.  If individual homeowners have a position concerning the efforts being pursed by the Cochrane Golf Club and wish to have that position communicated to the Court, that individual’s right needs to be properly advanced before the Court.
6.   There is strength in numbers.  The more people that engage and wish to express their position concerning the issue in the Originating Application, the better. This applies not only to the arguments that would be advanced before the Court but the sharing of legal fees or costs.
7.   Since the Originating Application and supporting Affidavits have been filed with the Court and notice has been provided to a significant number of homeowners in the community, the lawsuit has been formally commenced.  Before any next formal step is scheduled it is critical that individual homeowners who are interested in understanding their legal rights and participating in the legal process get legal representation as soon as possible.
8.   Peter Major, Q.C. has advised the Board that he is prepared to speak to all of the individual homeowners who are concerned about the action being pursued by the Cochrane Golf Club to understand the rights each homeowner has and how they can be addressed. If you are interested in hearing from Mr. Major, who has accumulated significant information about the dispute and has experience in this area of the law, the Board would ask you to contact us so that we can help facilitate a meeting, via Zoom, as soon as possible.
9.   The RCA will continue to remain involved to facilitate individual homeowners’ awareness of this legal issue but reiterate it remains the individual homeowner’s responsibility to decide if and how their individual rights are affected.
10.  The three Affidavits filed in this matter can be sent to you, upon request.
If you oppose development of the golf course and are prepared to defend the Restrictive Covenant, please reply to this email by FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2021.
Please feel welcome to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Jennifer Foy, President
Riverview Community Association



Thursday, March 25, 2021



Welcome fellow Riverview residents...........spring is in the air!  

It's the end of March and you would hope that snow was only a memory.  However, this is southern Alberta so we should expect snow pretty much anytime of the year so this weeks snow shouldn't disappoint us.

Our contest for the best and merriest Christmas decorated house in Riverview was very successful.  So in that same vein the RCA is having an Easter decorating contest to welcome spring.






CLOSES:   SUNDAY, APRIL 4th AT 5:00 pm







The RCA Board wishes everyone a safe and happy Easter.  Hopefully we will be able to arrange some face-to-face activities for later this summer or fall. Until then stay safe