Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Watering the right way in Cochrane

One inch of water, once a week is all you need to keep your lawn green, lush and healthy. The Town of Cochrane reminds residents to water only in the permitted times (5-10am or 7pm-1am) to make sure the water you are buying actually reaches the grassroots. But, what does an inch of watering look like? An easy trick to water the right amount is to throw a frisbee upside-down within range of your sprinkler. When the frisbee fills up, turn your sprinkler off and you are done. Better yet, leave the frisbee out when it rains, if the frisbee fills up or overflows you don’t need to water that week at all, saving you time and money. Remember, while running through the sprinkler mid-day helps to keep our kids cool and is allowed any time, it won’t help our grass since the water evaporates in the heat before it reaches the roots.

April 2024 spring update newsletter